Creating a Table View Page

How to create a View Page and all the options available. From order/sort, categories, column width and sizes, etc.

First the section needs to be created in as an option in themes/theme/_SECTIONS.php

for example:


Where VPLDRNESIQ are the option types. For more infrmation on Creating new sections go to How to Create a new section?, and What are option types?.

Once the section is created and we have assigned the correct option types, then we need to open the new file and start with the minimum required:

Page Title:

$case_title = translate('TITLE ENGLISH','TITLE SPANISH', 'TITLE FRENCH');


Data Base info, table name and table id column name:

$dbtable = "PAGE";
$idfield = "PID";


If we are going to have an edit option then we need to specify the edit page name ($edit_case) and the edit page option types ($editoptiontype) Read more about Edit Option Type

Edit Option "E"

$edit_case = "EDIT PAGE";
$editoptiontype = "FUSIK";

If we are going to have a clone option then we need to specify the following information. Read more about Clone Option Type

Edit Option "Q"

$cloneRelData = "PAGE,PID";
$cloneFiles = "og_url,img_url,thumb_url";
$cloneTitle = "title_en";


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