Export CSV - option type X

How to generate an export CSV button on table views

In order to generate an export CSV button we need to use the option type "X" on View tables.


Or manually we can add the option "xcel" to true

$options['form'] = false;
$options['view'] = true;
$options['xcel'] = true;

When generating a CSV is strongly recommended not to use the all (*) option on our Select Queries, as this will download all the columns from the table, and it will not match the view in KAS, instead select each column required, it a table name needs to be specified due to a JOIN, always rename the columns with "as"


$query = "SELECT 
$dbtable.QID as QID,
$dbtable.transaction_date as date,
$dbtable.transaction_description as description,
$dbtable.transaction_amount as amount,
$dbtable.transaction_currency as currency,
QUOTES.transaction_id as transaction_id 
FROM $dbtable
Keep in that the export button will ONLY generate the limit shown on the screen, so you might want to increase the limit to a values that most of the times will include all the results.
//option type "N" variables (numbered result pages)
$limit = 500;
Finally, if some columns are required for the Table View but you want to exclude them form the export, then use the $csvexclude variable, separate the values by commas.
For example, may times the ID of the db_table is required for the Table View edit and delete options to work, but you want to exclude that information from the CSV:
$csvexclude = "QID,transaction_id";
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