Manual Forms - option type m

How to create a form without submitting through KAS db_actions and have control over it.

To use manual forms, you need to create a section with options F and m (lower case), plus whater other types that might be required like calendar (c), cKeditor (K), sWitch (W), etc.


To manually set the option in the section use:

$options['manual_form'] = true;

The page now can be used exactly as any other form page, except that the form by defaut will be subitted in GET to itself.

You wil need to open and close your form..


$case_title = 'SALES REPORT';
addField('button:right','create', translate('REPORT','REPORTE','RAPPORT')); //save, modify, create, add, update
$form = 'open';
<div class="form_div">
  //add your filelds here 
  addField("datepicker","Start Date","date_1",date("Y-m-d"));
<div class="form_div">
//more here fields 
addField("datepicker","End Date","date_2",date("Y-m-d"));
addField('button','create', translate('REPORT','REPORTE','RAPPORT'));
<div class="clearFloar"></div>
$form = 'open';

There are other options that can be configured for manual tables such as, action, method, onsubmit, and ID, you can use the ID to manipuate the form, onsubmit to call a JS function.


$m_action = 'PAGE TO SEND THE DATA';
$m_method = 'GET'; //POST or GET, GET by default
$m_onsubmit =  'someJSFunction();' //'return false' to avoid submit
$m_formID = 'id_for_manual_form';

$case_title = 'SALES REPORT';
addField('button:right','create', translate('REPORT','REPORTE','RAPPORT')); //save, modify, create, add, update
$form = 'open';

// The rest of your fields




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