Switch - Option type W

Implement Swicthes

In order for to use the switch option type (W) is required .

The following settings are available, but mostly optional:

  'type' => 'switch',  //required
  'name' => 'VISIBLE', //column name, required
  'label' => 'VISIBLE' , // required
  'id' => 'VISIBLE', //optional, if not provided name is used as id
  'value' => $db_items->result(0,'VISIBLE'), //optional, if not provided the value of name from the DB is fetched
  'onValue'=> '1', //optional, if not provided 1 is default
  'offValue'=> '0', //optional, if not provided 0 is default
  'class' => '', //optional, applied to hidden input
  'switch_class' => '', //optional, applied to the switch div
  'attributes' => 'readonly' //optional, used in the hidden input, readonly makes a static switch
  'switch_attributes' => '' //optional, applied to the switch div, great for adding data attributes and maniuplate switch states



NOTE: if the attribute readonly exists, the switch is blocked


A switch can have the following minimum settings:


  'type' => 'switch',  //required
  'name' => 'VISIBLE', //column name, required
  'label' => 'VISIBLE' , // required
  'value' => $db_items->result(0,'VISIBLE')


Using JS / JQuery, a switch toggle can be detected by checking the change trigger of the ID of the swicth:


$('#VISIBLE').on('change', function(){
   var val = $(this).val();
   alert("The Switch was clicked, value: "+val);


To modify the state of a switch using Java Script, use the turn_switch(  )  function, keep note that the system adds "switch_" to the ID of the filed, so for example a VISIBLE field would need '#switch_VISIBLE' as the ID selector


turn_switch($("switch_VISIBLE"),"ON / OFF", "1 / 0 , true / false , yes / no, etc");



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