How to unsuspend my Google My Business page?
How to unsuspend my Google My Business page?

How to unsuspend my Google My Business page?

How do you recover a Google My Business suspended account? Many times, Google will detect something wrong with your My Business page and they will suspend it. Here's what you have to do.

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To get your Google My Business account unsuspended or reinstated you need to open a reqest here:

But before you start the process, first you need to read the Google My Business Guidelines

Here is a quick checklist of what you need to know in order to be comliant with the Google My Business Guidelines.

Who is not elegible for Google My Business

  • Make sure you have a legit business address, no PO Box or virtual office, if only sell online for example, your business is not elegible for Google My Business
  • Brands, organizations, artists, and other online-only businesses aren't eligible for Google My Business
  • Also If your location is a short rental business, like vacation home, then it is not elegible for Google My Business
  • If your Business is a Marketing campaign, a promotions, or other contest  you are not elegible for Google My Business
  • If you are a lead generation business you are not elegible for Google My Business
  • If the location that you added is not owned by you or you don't have the authority to represent you are also not elegible for Google My Business.


Common errors in Google My Bussiness profiles:

  • The name of your Business should be the real name, don't add keywords or other words that do not appear on your front door sign.
  • Do not add links! If your description or posts have links, remove them.
  • Do not add multiple categories that have nothing in common between them and don't add too many.
  • Do not create multiple Google My Business pages for the same Business, unless it is for a different location. Only if you have different locations then you can have one page per location
  • Be very professional, check how things are written, avoid at all cost misspellings, gimmicky character use, gibberish, etc.
  • Do not put promotions with prices or discounts, like "Everything in store for $5" or "50% off on all our merchandise".
  • Do not show any obscene, profane, sexual or explicit content, or any offensive language
  • Do not add content that you don't own or do not have permission to show.


Things that you should have in your Google My Bussiness profile

  • Add a telephone or a website, or both
  • Don't use URLs or phone numbers that redirect somewhere else
  • Don't add Premium-rate phone numbers that will charge fees if a customer calls.
  • Add your Business hours
  • At least have a logo and a profile picture


You can always try to contact Google Directly and ask for help, here you can ask them for a call back:



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